The Graph Partitioning Archive (last updated Mar 27 2023)Welcome to the Graph Partitioning Archive. Originally hosted at the University of Greenwich and moved to http://chriswalshaw.co.uk/partition in July 2016 when the University server was switched off, the archive consists of the best partitions found to date for a range of graphs and its aim is to provide a benchmark, against which partitioning algorithms can be tested, and a resource for experimentation.The partition archive has been in operation since the year 2000 and includes results from most of the major graph partitioning software packages. Furthermore, researchers developing experimental partitioning algorithms regularly submit new partitions for possible inclusion. The software that has been used to produce partitions for the archive is listed below. Most of the benchmark graphs arise from typical partitioning applications, although the archive also includes results computed for a graph-colouring test suite [Wal04] contained in a separate annexe. The archive was originally set up as part of a research project into very high quality partitions and authors wishing to refer to the partitioning archive should cite the paper [SWC04]. Acknowledgements: Initially the archive was set up using public domain software from a number of researchers including Bruce Hendrickson & Robert Leland (Sandia National Labs, USA), George Karypis & Vipin Kumar (Univ. Minnesota) and Stephen Barnard & Horst Simon (Cray Research Inc. / NASA Ames). Subsequently, many researchers have submitted partitions including S. Popinet (NIWA Science, New Zealand); A. Kozhushkin (Program Systems Inst., Russia); R. Banos & C. Gil (Univ. Almeria, Spain); S. Wishko, A. Brandt & D. Ron (Weizmann Inst. Science, Israel); K. Lang & S. Rao (Yahoo! Research, USA); F. Comellas & E. Sapena (Univ. Pol. Catalunya, Spain); J. K. Martinsen & X.Cai (Univ. Oslo, Norway); J. Martin (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland); P. Chardaire, M. Barake & G. P. McKeown (Univ. East Anglia, UK); C.-E. Bichot (ENAC, Toulouse, France); H. Meyerhenke (Univ. Paderborn, Germany); C. Schulz (Univ. Karlsruhe, Germany); Mattias Hein (Univ. Saarland, Germany); Dale Wong; Ilya Safro (Argonne National Lab, USA); Jin-Kao Hao (Univ. Angers, France); Frank Schneider (Inform Software); Bruno Menegola (Federal Univ. Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil); Emmanuel Romero Ruiz & Carlos Segura González (Center for Research in Mathematics, Guanajuato, Mexico). Contents
Problem definitionLet G = G(V,E) be an undirected graph of vertices V, with edges E. We assume that both vertices and edges can be weighted and that |v| denotes the weight of a vertex v and similarly for edges and sets of vertices and edges. However, it is often the case that vertices and edges are given unit weights, |v|=1 for all v in V and |e|=1 for all e in E and indeed so far this is true for all of the example graphs. A partition of the graph is a mapping of V into P disjoint subdomains S_p such that the union of S_p = V. The weight of a subdomain is just the sum of the weights of the vertices in the subdomain, |S_p| = sum |v| and the set of inter-subdomain or cut edges (i.e. edges cut by the partition) is denoted by E_c.The usual objective of graph partitioning is to find a partition which evenly balances the vertex weight in each subdomain whilst minimising the total weight of cut edges or cut-weight, |E_c|. To evenly balance the vertex weight, the optimal subdomain weight is given by S_opt := ceil(|V|/P) (where the ceiling function ceil(x) returns the smallest integer greater than x). The graph partitioning problem can then be specified as: find a partition of G such that |E_c| is minimised subject to the constraint that |S_p| <= S_opt. In fact it has been noted for some time that partition quality can often be improved if a certain amount of imbalance is allowed, [ST97]. The imbalance is defined as the maximum subdomain weight, S' = max |S_p|, divided by the optimal, S_opt. If we allow x% imbalance then the partitioning problem becomes: find a partition of G such that |E_c| is minimised subject to the constraint that |S_p| <= S_opt.(100+x)/100. The graph partitioning problem arises in many applications such as VLSI circuit design, data mining and parallel computing. In the latter case the subdomains are mapped to processors and the cut-weight then approximates the total communication volume. However, there is some discussion about whether this is the most appropriate metric for partitioning, e.g. [HK00], and indeed it is unlikely that any one metric is appropriate. Currently in the archive, the quality of partitions is determined by cut-weight, however, there is no reason why it should not be extended to incorporate partitions which minimise different cost functions. SubmissionsThe archive welcomes submissions of partition files. Submitted partition files will be validated and added to the archive if they improve on a particular result. In this context improvement is:
If there are several files to be submitted (more than 10) it is simplest if they are packaged up into a single file. The files should conform to this archive's partition file naming convention and format:
The easiest way for me to deal with them is if all the 0% results are put in a directory called 0, all the 1% results in a directory called 1, etc, and then all the directories compiled into a .tar.gz or .zip file. Submitted files should also include some indication of how the partition was derived which, if a public domain software package, may be subject to verification. The archive reserves the right not to accepted submitted files (either for reasons of disk space or for other unspecified reasons). Please note that updating the website with new partitions is not a high priority and so it make take a couple of months before I get a chance to do so. However, updates are always added in chronological order. Archived partitionsThe best partitions found to date are listed in 4 tables corresponding to 0% imbalance (perfect balance), 1% imbalance, 3% imbalance and 5% imbalance. For each graph, partitions into 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 subdomains are given and have the format
DownloadsThe graphs and partitions are no longer available to download directly from this page. Instead email me and I will send you a link for a Google Drive page where you may download them easily in four zip files. It's also helpful, but not essential, if you can let me know which University or company you work or study at so I can get a sense of how widely used the archive is in academia and industry.SoftwareThe software that produced the partitions is denoted as follows (listed more or less chronologically in the order that software was first developed and the results added to the archive)
Benchmark GraphsThe benchmark graphs are taken from various sources and listed in the table below. Graphs for which the original source is bracketted appear to be no longer available at that site. However all the graph files are also available from this site converted into a standard format. This format is the same as used by JOSTLE, CHACO & METIS and is described in the JOSTLE userguide.Please note that, although weighted graphs can be handled by most of the software listed above, they were not common when the archive was compiled and so there are no weighted graph in the benchmark dataset, partition results or downloads. Sorry.
Results with up to 0% imbalance
graph | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 |
add20 | 596 (1198) [PROBE] | 1151 (599) [MAHMBCDP] | 1678 (300) [MAHMBCDP] | 2040 (150) [MAHMBCDP] | 2356 (75) [MAHMBCDP] | 2940 (38) [MAHMBCDP] |
data | 189 (1426) [PROBE] | 382 (713) [MMA02] | 668 (357) [FSMAGP] | 1127 (179) [FSMAGP] | 1799 (90) [FSMAGP] | 2835 (45) [MAHMBCDP] |
3elt | 90 (2360) [JE] | 201 (1180) [JE] | 345 (590) [FSMAGP] | 573 (295) [FSMAGP] | 960 (148) [FSMAGP] | 1532 (74) [FSMAGP] |
uk | 19 (2412) [IPMNE] | 41 (1206) [MMA01] | 82 (603) [MAHMBCDP] | 145 (302) [FSMAGP] | 246 (151) [*+ILP] | 408 (76) [KaBaPE] |
add32 | 11 (2480) [Ch2.0] | 34 (1240) [FF] | 67 (620) [FSMAGP] | 118 (310) [FSMAGP] | 213 (155) [FSMAGP] | 485 (78) [KaBaPET] |
bcsstk33 | 10171 (4369) [GCSVD] | 21717 (2185) [FSMAGP] | 34437 (1093) [FSMAGP] | 54680 (547) [FSMAGP] | 77410 (274) [MAHMBCDP] | 107179 (137) [MAHMBCDP] |
whitaker3 | 127 (4900) [JE] | 381 (2450) [FSMAGP] | 656 (1225) [KaBaPE] | 1085 (613) [FSMAGP] | 1668 (307) [KaBaPE] | 2484 (154) [MAHMBCDP] |
crack | 184 (5120) [JE] | 366 (2560) [MMA02] | 679 (1280) [MMA02] | 1088 (640) [KaBaPET] | 1678 (320) [*+ILP] | 2535 (160) [FSMAGP] |
wing_nodal | 1707 (5469) [JE] | 3575 (2735) [FSMAGP] | 5435 (1368) [FSMAGP] | 8331 (684) [MAHMBCDP] | 11760 (342) [MAHMBCDP] | 15769 (171) [MAHMBCDP] |
fe_4elt2 | 130 (5572) [MRSB] | 349 (2786) [JE] | 606 (1393) [MAHMBCDP] | 1007 (697) [KaBaPE] | 1613 (349) [MAHMBCDP] | 2471 (175) [MAHMBCDP] |
vibrobox | 10343 (6164) [JE] | 18976 (3082) [FSMAGP] | 24479 (1541) [MAHMBCDP] | 31848 (771) [*+ILP] | 39380 (386) [MAHMBCDP] | 46568 (193) [*+ILP] |
bcsstk29 | 2843 (6996) [mpM4.0] | 8035 (3498) [FSMAGP] | 13958 (1749) [MAHMBCDP] | 21900 (875) [MAHMBCDP] | 34700 (438) [MAHMBCDP] | 55241 (219) [FSMAGP] |
4elt | 139 (7803) [JE] | 326 (3902) [NW] | 545 (1951) [MMA01] | 933 (976) [*+ILP] | 1551 (488) [FSMAGP] | 2562 (244) [MAHMBCDP] |
fe_sphere | 386 (8193) [JE] | 768 (4097) [KaBaPE] | 1156 (2049) [FSMAGP] | 1714 (1025) [KaBaPET] | 2488 (513) [FSMAGP] | 3543 (257) [FSMAGP] |
cti | 334 (8420) [JE] | 954 (4210) [MMA02] | 1788 (2105) [FSMAGP] | 2792 (1053) [MAHMBCDP] | 4039 (527) [MAHMBCDP] | 5618 (264) [MAHMBCDP] |
memplus | 5499 (8879) [*+ILP] | 9442 (4440) [*+ILP] | 11710 (2220) [*+ILP] | 12893 (1110) [*+ILP] | 13947 (555) [*+ILP] | 16188 (278) [*+ILP] |
cs4 | 369 (11250) [KaBaPE] | 932 (5625) [*+IPMNE2] | 1440 (2813) [KaBaPE] | 2075 (1407) [KaBaPET] | 2907 (704) [*+ILP] | 4025 (352) [*+ILP] |
bcsstk30 | 6394 (14462) [JE] | 16651 (7231) [FSMAGP] | 34846 (3616) [FSMAGP] | 70404 (1808) [MAHMBCDP] | 112846 (904) [MAHMBCDP] | 171088 (452) [MAHMBCDP] |
bcsstk31 | 2762 (17794) [PROBE] | 7351 (8897) [KaBaPE] | 13280 (4449) [*+ILP] | 23852 (2225) [*+ILP] | 37143 (1113) [*+ILP] | 57354 (557) [*+ILP] |
fe_pwt | 340 (18260) [GrPart] | 705 (9130) [FSMAGP] | 1447 (4565) [FSMAGP] | 2830 (2283) [*+IPMNE2] | 5574 (1142) [*+ILP] | 8177 (571) [*+ILP] |
bcsstk32 | 4667 (22305) [JE] | 9311 (11153) [FSMAGP] | 20008 (5577) [*+ILP] | 36247 (2789) [*+ILP] | 60013 (1395) [*+ILP] | 90778 (698) [*+ILP] |
fe_body | 262 (22544) [MQI] | 599 (11272) [KaBaPE] | 1033 (5636) [*+IPMNE2] | 1722 (2818) [*+ILP] | 2797 (1409) [*+ILP] | 4728 (705) [*+ILP] |
t60k | 79 (30003) [NW] | 209 (15002) [KaBaPE] | 456 (7501) [KaBaPE] | 812 (3751) [*+ILP] | 1323 (1876) [*+IPMNE2] | 2074 (938) [*+ILP] |
wing | 789 (31016) [KaBaPE] | 1623 (15508) [*+IPMNE2] | 2504 (7754) [KaBaPE] | 3859 (3877) [*+ILP] | 5592 (1939) [*+ILP] | 7622 (970) [*+ILP] |
brack2 | 731 (31316) [JE] | 3084 (15658) [MMA02] | 7140 (7829) [FSMAGP] | 11569 (3915) [*+ILP] | 17382 (1958) [*+ILP] | 25805 (979) [*+ILP] |
finan512 | 162 (37376) [Ch2.0] | 324 (18688) [Ch2.0] | 648 (9344) [Ch2.0] | 1296 (4672) [Ch2.0] | 2592 (2336) [Ch2.0] | 10560 (1168) [NW] |
fe_tooth | 3816 (39068) [FSMAGP] | 6888 (19534) [*+ILP] | 11414 (9767) [*+ILP] | 17352 (4884) [*+ILP] | 24879 (2442) [*+ILP] | 34234 (1221) [*+ILP] |
fe_rotor | 2098 (49809) [PROBE] | 7222 (24905) [KaBaPE] | 12838 (12453) [*+ILP] | 20386 (6227) [*+ILP] | 31132 (3114) [*+ILP] | 45677 (1557) [*+ILP] |
598a | 2398 (55486) [PROBE] | 8001 (27743) [FSMAGP] | 15921 (13872) [*+ILP] | 25694 (6936) [*+ILP] | 38576 (3468) [*+ILP] | 56094 (1734) [*+ILP] |
fe_ocean | 464 (71719) [PROBE] | 1882 (35860) [FSMAGP] | 4188 (17930) [KaBaPET] | 7713 (8965) [FSMAGP] | 12667 (4483) [*+ILP] | 20061 (2242) [*+ILP] |
144 | 6486 (72325) [IPMNE2] | 15194 (36163) [*+ILP] | 25273 (18082) [FSMAGP] | 37563 (9041) [*+ILP] | 55467 (4521) [*+ILP] | 77391 (2261) [*+ILP] |
wave | 8677 (78159) [KaBaPE] | 17193 (39080) [*+ILP] | 29188 (19540) [*+ILP] | 42636 (9770) [*+ILP] | 61100 (4885) [*+ILP] | 83987 (2443) [*+ILP] |
m14b | 3836 (107383) [MQI] | 13061 (53692) [*+ILP] | 25834 (26846) [*+ILP] | 42142 (13423) [*+ILP] | 65469 (6712) [*+ILP] | 96446 (3356) [*+ILP] |
auto | 10101 (224348) [*+ILP] | 27092 (112174) [*+ILP] | 45991 (56087) [*+ILP] | 77370 (28044) [*+ILP] | 121911 (14022) [*+ILP] | 172966 (7011) [*+ILP] |
graph | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 |
add20 | 585 (1209) [HYPAL] | 1147 (604) [HYPAL] | 1678 (300) [MAHMBCDP] | 2040 (150) [MAHMBCDP] | 2356 (75) [MAHMBCDP] | 2940 (38) [MAHMBCDP] |
data | 188 (1438) [AMG] | 376 (720) [FSMAGP] | 656 (360) [KaFFPaE] | 1121 (180) [FSMAGP] | 1799 (90) [FSMAGP] | 2835 (45) [MAHMBCDP] |
3elt | 89 (2382) [GrPart] | 199 (1185) [NW] | 340 (595) [KaFFPaE] | 568 (297) [KaFFPaE] | 953 (149) [KaBaPET] | 1532 (74) [FSMAGP] |
uk | 19 (2412) [IPMNE] | 40 (1215) [*+KFFP] | 80 (607) [FSMAGP] | 142 (305) [FSMAGP] | 246 (151) [*+ILP] | 408 (76) [KaBaPE] |
add32 | 10 (2481) [J2.2] | 33 (1241) [JE] | 66 (621) [FF] | 117 (311) [JE] | 212 (156) [JE] | 485 (78) [KaBaPET] |
bcsstk33 | 10097 (4412) [FF] | 21338 (2206) [FSMAGP] | 34175 (1103) [FSMAGP] | 54505 (552) [FSMAGP] | 77195 (276) [FSMAGP] | 106902 (138) [FSMAGP] |
whitaker3 | 126 (4908) [JE] | 380 (2454) [NW] | 654 (1237) [KaFFPaE] | 1083 (619) [KaBaPET] | 1664 (310) [FSMAGP] | 2480 (155) [KaBaPET] |
crack | 183 (5137) [NW] | 362 (2581) [FSMAGP] | 676 (1291) [FSMAGP] | 1081 (646) [FSMAGP] | 1669 (323) [FSMAGP] | 2523 (161) [FSMAGP] |
wing_nodal | 1695 (5520) [*+KFFP] | 3559 (2762) [FSMAGP] | 5401 (1381) [FSMAGP] | 8302 (690) [FSMAGP] | 11731 (345) [*+ILP] | 15734 (172) [*+ILP] |
fe_4elt2 | 130 (5572) [MRSB] | 349 (2786) [JE] | 603 (1406) [KaFFPaE] | 1000 (703) [KaBaPE] | 1608 (352) [KaBaPE] | 2470 (176) [*+ILP] |
vibrobox | 10310 (6184) [JE] | 18943 (3112) [FSMAGP] | 24422 (1556) [KaFFPaE] | 31710 (778) [*+ILP] | 39380 (386) [MAHMBCDP] | 46529 (194) [*+ILP] |
bcsstk29 | 2818 (7008) [GrPart] | 8029 (3528) [*+KFFP] | 13891 (1764) [FSMAGP] | 21694 (882) [FSMAGP] | 34606 (442) [FSMAGP] | 54950 (221) [*+ILP] |
4elt | 138 (7844) [GrPart] | 320 (3939) [*+KFFP] | 532 (1970) [KaFFPaE] | 927 (984) [FSMAGP] | 1535 (492) [KaBaPET] | 2546 (246) [FSMAGP] |
fe_sphere | 386 (8193) [JE] | 766 (4130) [KaFFPa] | 1152 (2060) [JE] | 1708 (1034) [FSMAGP] | 2479 (518) [FSMAGP] | 3534 (259) [FSMAGP] |
cti | 318 (8480) [JE] | 944 (4248) [NW] | 1746 (2126) [FSMAGP] | 2759 (1063) [FSMAGP] | 3993 (532) [FSMAGP] | 5594 (266) [FSMAGP] |
memplus | 5452 (8967) [*+ILP] | 9385 (4484) [*+IPMNE2] | 11672 (2242) [*+IPMNE2] | 12873 (1121) [*+IPMNE2] | 13931 (560) [*+ILP] | 16091 (280) [*+ILP] |
cs4 | 366 (11325) [KaFFPa] | 925 (5674) [*+IPMNE2] | 1434 (2837) [*+IPMNE2] | 2061 (1421) [*+IPMNE2] | 2903 (711) [KaBaPE] | 3981 (355) [*+ILP] |
bcsstk30 | 6335 (14603) [GrPart] | 16583 (7303) [FSMAGP] | 34565 (3652) [FSMAGP] | 69912 (1826) [FSMAGP] | 112365 (913) [FSMAGP] | 170059 (456) [FSMAGP] |
bcsstk31 | 2699 (17970) [KaFFPa] | 7272 (8985) [*+IPMNE2] | 13134 (4493) [*+ILP] | 23333 (2247) [*+ILP] | 37057 (1124) [*+ILP] | 57000 (562) [*+ILP] |
fe_pwt | 340 (18260) [GrPart] | 704 (9190) [KasPar] | 1432 (4610) [FSMAGP] | 2797 (2304) [FSMAGP] | 5514 (1153) [KaBaPE] | 8128 (576) [*+ILP] |
bcsstk32 | 4667 (22305) [JE] | 9180 (11264) [FSMAGP] | 19612 (5632) [*+ILP] | 35467 (2815) [KaHyPar-E] | 59501 (1408) [*+ILP] | 89893 (704) [*+ILP] |
fe_body | 262 (22544) [MQI] | 598 (11274) [*+IPMNE2] | 1023 (5692) [KaBaPE] | 1714 (2834) [*+IPMNE2] | 2748 (1423) [*+ILP] | 4664 (712) [*+ILP] |
t60k | 75 (30288) [KaFFPa] | 208 (15067) [*+KFFP] | 454 (7564) [*+KFFP] | 805 (3786) [*+IPMNE2] | 1313 (1894) [KaBaPE] | 2062 (947) [KaBaPE] |
wing | 784 (31320) [*+KFFP] | 1610 (15609) [*+IPMNE2] | 2474 (7828) [*+IPMNE2] | 3844 (3901) [KaHyPar-E] | 5576 (1958) [*+ILP] | 7585 (979) [*+ILP] |
brack2 | 708 (31614) [GrPart] | 3013 (15813) [KaFFPa] | 7029 (7907) [FSMAGP] | 11492 (3954) [FSMAGP] | 17120 (1977) [*+ILP] | 25604 (988) [*+ILP] |
finan512 | 162 (37376) [Ch2.0] | 324 (18688) [Ch2.0] | 648 (9344) [Ch2.0] | 1296 (4672) [Ch2.0] | 2592 (2336) [Ch2.0] | 10560 (1168) [NW] |
fe_tooth | 3814 (39455) [FSMAGP] | 6843 (19724) [*+ILP] | 11358 (9864) [KaBaPET] | 17236 (4932) [KaHyPar-E] | 24799 (2466) [*+ILP] | 34159 (1233) [*+ILP] |
fe_rotor | 2031 (50306) [KaFFPa] | 7158 (25150) [KaBaPET] | 12616 (12576) [*+IPMNE2] | 20146 (6289) [*+ILP] | 30975 (3145) [*+ILP] | 45304 (1572) [*+ILP] |
598a | 2388 (55856) [MQI] | 7948 (28017) [*+IPMNE2] | 15831 (14007) [*+IPMNE2] | 25620 (7005) [*+ILP] | 38410 (3502) [*+ILP] | 55867 (1751) [*+ILP] |
fe_ocean | 385 (72436) [*+ILP] | 1813 (36217) [FSMAGP] | 4060 (18108) [*+ILP] | 7616 (9054) [*+IPMNE2] | 12523 (4527) [*+ILP] | 19851 (2264) [*+ILP] |
144 | 6476 (73039) [*+ILP] | 15140 (36451) [*+IPMNE2] | 25157 (18262) [KaHyPar-E] | 37341 (9131) [*+ILP] | 55258 (4566) [*+ILP] | 76964 (2283) [*+ILP] |
wave | 8656 (78913) [*+ILP] | 16745 (39470) [*+ILP] | 28749 (19735) [*+ILP] | 42349 (9867) [*+ILP] | 60617 (4933) [*+ILP] | 83451 (2467) [*+ILP] |
m14b | 3826 (107831) [MQI] | 12973 (54228) [KaFFPaE] | 25611 (27113) [KaHyPar-E] | 41920 (13556) [KaHyPar-E] | 64684 (6779) [*+ILP] | 96145 (3389) [*+ILP] |
auto | 9949 (226588) [KaFFPaE] | 26611 (113295) [*+ILP] | 45424 (56647) [*+ILP] | 76533 (28324) [*+ILP] | 120470 (14162) [*+ILP] | 171866 (7081) [*+ILP] |
graph | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 |
add20 | 560 (1233) [IPMNE2] | 1134 (616) [HYPAL] | 1664 (309) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 2030 (154) [KaBaPET] | 2346 (77) [KaBaPET] | 2920 (39) [FSMAGP] |
data | 185 (1460) [KaFFPa] | 369 (734) [KaFFPa] | 638 (367) [*+KFFP] | 1088 (184) [FSMAGP] | 1768 (92) [FSMAGP] | 2781 (46) [*+ILP] |
3elt | 87 (2398) [JE] | 198 (1213) [NW] | 334 (607) [KaFFPaE] | 561 (303) [KaFFPaE] | 944 (152) [FSMAGP] | 1512 (76) [FSMAGP] |
uk | 18 (2455) [JE] | 39 (1238) [*+KFFP] | 77 (620) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 139 (310) [*+IPMNE2] | 239 (155) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 397 (78) [KaBaPE] |
add32 | 10 (2481) [J2.2] | 33 (1241) [JE] | 66 (621) [FF] | 117 (311) [JE] | 212 (156) [JE] | 471 (80) [KaBaPE+ILP] |
bcsstk33 | 10064 (4419) [AMG] | 20762 (2250) [FSMAGP] | 34065 (1125) [FSMAGP] | 54354 (563) [FSMAGP] | 76749 (282) [*+IPMNE2] | 105737 (141) [*+ILP] |
whitaker3 | 126 (4908) [JE] | 378 (2510) [NW] | 649 (1261) [KaBaPE] | 1073 (631) [KaBaPET] | 1647 (316) [FSMAGP] | 2456 (158) [*+ILP] |
crack | 182 (5187) [NW] | 360 (2606) [NW] | 671 (1317) [KaFFPaE] | 1070 (659) [KaBaPET] | 1655 (329) [FSMAGP] | 2487 (164) [*+ILP] |
wing_nodal | 1678 (5631) [FSMAGP] | 3534 (2816) [FSMAGP] | 5360 (1408) [FSMAGP] | 8244 (704) [FSMAGP] | 11630 (352) [*+ILP] | 15612 (176) [*+ILP] |
fe_4elt2 | 130 (5572) [MRSB] | 341 (2863) [FSMAGP] | 594 (1434) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 990 (717) [KaBaPE] | 1592 (359) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 2431 (180) [*+ILP] |
vibrobox | 10310 (6184) [JE] | 18736 (3174) [KaFFPaE] | 24153 (1587) [KaBaPE] | 31440 (794) [*+ILP] | 39197 (397) [*+ILP] | 46231 (198) [*+ILP] |
bcsstk29 | 2818 (7008) [GrPart] | 7971 (3600) [KaFFPaE] | 13710 (1801) [*+IPMNE2] | 21258 (901) [FSMAGP] | 33807 (451) [FSMAGP] | 54382 (225) [FSMAGP] |
4elt | 137 (8003) [NW] | 319 (3951) [NW] | 522 (2009) [KaFFPaE] | 901 (1005) [KaBaPET] | 1519 (502) [KaBaPE] | 2512 (251) [KaBaPET] |
fe_sphere | 384 (8289) [JE] | 764 (4194) [FSMAGP] | 1152 (2060) [JE] | 1696 (1055) [FSMAGP] | 2459 (528) [FSMAGP] | 3503 (264) [*+ILP] |
cti | 318 (8480) [JE] | 916 (4336) [KaFFPa] | 1714 (2164) [*+KFFP] | 2727 (1084) [KaBaPET] | 3941 (540) [FSMAGP] | 5522 (271) [*+ILP] |
memplus | 5352 (9145) [*+ILP] | 9309 (4573) [*+IPMNE2] | 11584 (2286) [*+ILP] | 12834 (1143) [FSMAGP] | 13887 (571) [*+ILP] | 15950 (286) [*+ILP] |
cs4 | 360 (11544) [KaFFPa] | 917 (5790) [*+IPMNE2] | 1423 (2897) [*+ILP] | 2043 (1449) [KaBaPET] | 2861 (723) [KaHyPar-E] | 3979 (362) [*+ILP] |
bcsstk30 | 6251 (14679) [JE] | 16372 (7447) [KaBaPE] | 34137 (3715) [FSMAGP] | 69357 (1862) [FSMAGP] | 110334 (931) [FSMAGP] | 168271 (465) [*+ILP] |
bcsstk31 | 2676 (18086) [IPMNE2] | 7148 (9163) [*+IPMNE2] | 12962 (4582) [*+IPMNE2] | 22949 (2291) [*+ILP] | 36567 (1146) [*+ILP] | 56025 (573) [*+ILP] |
fe_pwt | 340 (18260) [GrPart] | 700 (9370) [KaFFPaE] | 1410 (4700) [KaFFPaE] | 2754 (2351) [FSMAGP] | 5403 (1176) [KaBaPE] | 8036 (588) [FSMAGP] |
bcsstk32 | 4667 (22305) [JE] | 8725 (11487) [KaFFPaE] | 19395 (5744) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 34662 (2872) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 58060 (1436) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 89478 (718) [*+ILP] |
fe_body | 262 (22544) [MQI] | 598 (11274) [*+IPMNE2] | 1016 (5787) [*+IPMNE2] | 1693 (2902) [KaBaPET] | 2698 (1448) [KaHyPar-E] | 4522 (726) [*+ILP] |
t60k | 71 (30744) [*+KFFP] | 203 (15372) [*+KFFP] | 449 (7635) [*+IPMNE2] | 792 (3862) [KaBaPET] | 1302 (1932) [KaBaPE] | 2034 (966) [*+ILP] |
wing | 773 (31928) [*+KFFP] | 1593 (15956) [*+IPMNE2] | 2449 (7985) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 3783 (3993) [*+ILP] | 5502 (1996) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 7560 (997) [*+IPMNE2] |
brack2 | 684 (32168) [JE] | 2834 (16126) [KaFFPa] | 6778 (8063) [FSMAGP] | 11253 (4032) [*+ILP] | 16981 (2016) [*+ILP] | 25362 (1008) [*+ILP] |
finan512 | 162 (37376) [Ch2.0] | 324 (18688) [Ch2.0] | 648 (9344) [Ch2.0] | 1296 (4672) [Ch2.0] | 2592 (2336) [Ch2.0] | 10560 (1168) [NW] |
fe_tooth | 3788 (40233) [IPMNE2] | 6756 (20120) [KaBaPE] | 11241 (10060) [KaBaPE] | 17107 (5030) [*+ILP] | 24623 (2515) [*+ILP] | 33779 (1257) [*+ILP] |
fe_rotor | 1959 (51044) [IPMNE2] | 7049 (25652) [*+ILP] | 12445 (12824) [*+IPMNE2] | 19863 (6413) [*+ILP] | 30579 (3207) [*+ILP] | 44811 (1603) [*+ILP] |
598a | 2367 (56705) [MQI] | 7816 (28573) [*+IPMNE2] | 15613 (14287) [KaFFPaE] | 25379 (7144) [*+ILP] | 38093 (3572) [*+ILP] | 55358 (1786) [*+ILP] |
fe_ocean | 311 (73322) [GrPart] | 1693 (36802) [FSMAGP] | 3920 (18449) [KaFFPaE] | 7405 (9233) [FSMAGP] | 12283 (4617) [*+ILP] | 19518 (2309) [*+IPMNE2] |
144 | 6430 (74494) [*+ILP] | 15064 (37244) [*+IPMNE2] | 24901 (18624) [*+ILP] | 36999 (9312) [*+ILP] | 54800 (4656) [*+ILP] | 76548 (2328) [*+ILP] |
wave | 8591 (80502) [KaFFPaE] | 16633 (40252) [*+ILP] | 28494 (20126) [KaBaPE] | 42139 (10063) [*+IPMNE2] | 60334 (5031) [*+ILP] | 82809 (2516) [*+ILP] |
m14b | 3823 (108879) [MQI] | 12948 (54847) [*+IPMNE2] | 25390 (27650) [KaFFPaE] | 41778 (13823) [*+IPMNE2] | 64354 (6913) [*+ILP] | 95575 (3456) [*+ILP] |
auto | 9673 (231074) [KaFFPaE] | 25789 (115538) [KaFFPaE] | 44724 (57769) [*+ILP] | 75665 (28885) [*+ILP] | 119131 (14442) [*+ILP] | 170295 (7221) [*+ILP] |
graph | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 |
add20 | 536 (1256) [IPMNE2] | 1120 (628) [*+IPMNE2] | 1651 (315) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 2024 (157) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 2341 (78) [FSMAGP] | 2920 (39) [FSMAGP] |
data | 181 (1497) [SDP] | 363 (745) [KaFFPa] | 628 (374) [NW] | 1076 (187) [FSMAGP] | 1743 (94) [FSMAGP] | 2747 (47) [KaBaPET] |
3elt | 87 (2398) [JE] | 197 (1237) [NW] | 329 (619) [KaFFPaE] | 557 (309) [KaFFPaE] | 930 (155) [FSMAGP] | 1498 (77) [KaBaPET] |
uk | 18 (2455) [JE] | 38 (1258) [KaHyPar-E] | 75 (633) [KaFFPaE] | 137 (315) [*+IPMNE2] | 235 (158) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 392 (79) [KaBaPE+ILP] |
add32 | 10 (2481) [J2.2] | 33 (1241) [JE] | 63 (650) [KasPar] | 117 (311) [JE] | 212 (156) [JE] | 471 (81) [KaBaPE+ILP] |
bcsstk33 | 9914 (4554) [iJ] | 20158 (2294) [FSMAGP] | 33908 (1147) [FSMAGP] | 54119 (574) [FSMAGP] | 76070 (287) [*+ILP] | 105297 (143) [*+ILP] |
whitaker3 | 126 (4908) [JE] | 376 (2546) [FSMAGP] | 644 (1283) [*+IPMNE2] | 1068 (643) [KaBaPET] | 1632 (322) [KaBaPET] | 2425 (161) [*+ILP] |
crack | 182 (5187) [NW] | 360 (2606) [NW] | 666 (1342) [FSMAGP] | 1062 (671) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 1641 (336) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 2470 (168) [KaBaPE+ILP] |
wing_nodal | 1668 (5742) [SDP] | 3520 (2869) [FSMAGP] | 5339 (1436) [FSMAGP] | 8160 (718) [FSMAGP] | 11533 (359) [*+ILP] | 15514 (179) [*+ILP] |
fe_4elt2 | 130 (5572) [MRSB] | 335 (2918) [FSMAGP] | 578 (1462) [KaFFPaE] | 979 (731) [FSMAGP] | 1566 (366) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 2406 (183) [*+ILP] |
vibrobox | 10310 (6184) [JE] | 18690 (3235) [FSMAGP] | 23924 (1618) [KaFFPaE] | 31216 (809) [*+ILP] | 38823 (405) [*+ILP] | 45987 (202) [*+ILP] |
bcsstk29 | 2818 (7008) [GrPart] | 7925 (3672) [KaFFPaE] | 13540 (1830) [KaFFPaE] | 20924 (918) [NW] | 33450 (459) [FSMAGP] | 53703 (229) [FSMAGP] |
4elt | 137 (8003) [NW] | 315 (4090) [NW] | 515 (2047) [FSMAGP] | 887 (1024) [KaBaPE] | 1493 (512) [KaBaPET] | 2478 (256) [*+ILP] |
fe_sphere | 384 (8289) [JE] | 762 (4257) [*+KFFP] | 1152 (2060) [JE] | 1678 (1076) [FSMAGP] | 2427 (536) [FSMAGP] | 3456 (269) [FSMAGP] |
cti | 318 (8480) [JE] | 889 (4416) [FSMAGP] | 1684 (2200) [*+KFFP] | 2701 (1101) [KaBaPET] | 3904 (553) [FSMAGP] | 5460 (277) [*+ILP] |
memplus | 5253 (9322) [*+ILP] | 9246 (4661) [KaHyPar-E] | 11510 (2329) [KaHyPar-E] | 12799 (1165) [*+IPMNE2] | 13857 (582) [*+ILP] | 15875 (291) [*+ILP] |
cs4 | 353 (11811) [KaFFPa] | 908 (5906) [KaBaPE] | 1420 (2946) [*+IPMNE2] | 2042 (1477) [*+ILP] | 2845 (738) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 3949 (368) [KaBaPE+ILP] |
bcsstk30 | 6251 (14679) [JE] | 16165 (7590) [FSMAGP] | 34068 (3796) [FSMAGP] | 68323 (1898) [FSMAGP] | 109368 (949) [FSMAGP] | 166787 (474) [*+ILP] |
bcsstk31 | 2660 (18683) [*+ILP] | 7065 (9341) [FSMAGP] | 12823 (4669) [*+ILP] | 22626 (2336) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 36339 (1168) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 55250 (584) [*+ILP] |
fe_pwt | 340 (18260) [GrPart] | 700 (9370) [KaFFPaE] | 1405 (4744) [FSMAGP] | 2737 (2396) [FSMAGP] | 5305 (1199) [*+ILP] | 7956 (599) [*+ILP] |
bcsstk32 | 4622 (23319) [KasPar] | 8441 (11706) [KaFFPa] | 18955 (5855) [*+IPMNE2] | 34163 (2928) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 57529 (1464) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 88595 (732) [*+ILP] |
fe_body | 262 (22544) [MQI] | 588 (11835) [*+KFFP] | 1012 (5916) [*+IPMNE2] | 1682 (2954) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 2677 (1479) [*+ILP] | 4475 (740) [KaHyPar-E] |
t60k | 65 (31437) [SDP] | 195 (15719) [*+KFFP] | 441 (7874) [*+IPMNE2] | 784 (3930) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 1289 (1969) [*+ILP] | 2013 (984) [*+ILP] |
wing | 770 (32511) [*+KFFP] | 1589 (16270) [*+ILP] | 2440 (8114) [*+IPMNE2] | 3761 (4069) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 5464 (2034) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 7455 (1018) [KaHyPar-E] |
brack2 | 660 (32600) [SDP] | 2731 (16438) [KaFFPa] | 6592 (8219) [KaFFPaE] | 11046 (4110) [KaBaPE+ILP] | 16765 (2055) [KaBaPET] | 25100 (1027) [*+ILP] |
finan512 | 162 (37376) [Ch2.0] | 324 (18688) [Ch2.0] | 648 (9344) [Ch2.0] | 1296 (4672) [Ch2.0] | 2592 (2336) [Ch2.0] | 10560 (1168) [NW] |
fe_tooth | 3773 (40567) [SDP] | 6687 (20508) [*+IPMNE2] | 11147 (10255) [*+ILP] | 16983 (5128) [*+ILP] | 24270 (2564) [*+ILP] | 33387 (1282) [*+ILP] |
fe_rotor | 1940 (52284) [KaFFPa] | 6779 (26150) [KaBaPET] | 12308 (13074) [*+ILP] | 19677 (6538) [*+ILP] | 30346 (3269) [KaHyPar-E] | 44368 (1634) [*+ILP] |
598a | 2336 (57855) [MQI] | 7722 (29130) [*+ILP] | 15413 (14565) [*+IPMNE2] | 25198 (7282) [*+IPMNE2] | 37632 (3641) [*+ILP] | 54677 (1820) [*+ILP] |
fe_ocean | 311 (73322) [GrPart] | 1686 (37274) [KaFFPa] | 3886 (18811) [KaBaPE] | 7338 (9413) [FSMAGP] | 12033 (4707) [*+ILP] | 19391 (2353) [*+ILP] |
144 | 6345 (75941) [FSMAGP] | 14978 (37971) [*+ILP] | 24174 (18986) [*+ILP] | 36607 (9493) [*+ILP] | 54160 (4747) [*+ILP] | 75753 (2374) [*+ILP] |
wave | 8524 (82064) [KaFFPaE] | 16528 (41006) [*+ILP] | 28489 (20183) [*+IPMNE2] | 42024 (10258) [*+ILP] | 59608 (5129) [*+ILP] | 81989 (2565) [*+ILP] |
m14b | 3802 (112532) [MQI] | 12858 (56374) [*+ILP] | 25126 (28182) [*+IPMNE2] | 41097 (14094) [*+ILP] | 63397 (7047) [*+ILP] | 94123 (3523) [*+ILP] |
auto | 9450 (235532) [MQI] | 25258 (117735) [KaHyPar-E] | 44206 (58891) [KaFFPaE] | 74266 (29446) [*+ILP] | 118548 (14722) [KaHyPar-E] | 169260 (7361) [*+ILP] |